
Office yoga funny
Office yoga funny

office yoga funny

office yoga funny

Yoga in the workplace offers employees more benefits than they realize. Continue reading to learn what office yoga poses you can add to the workplace or your home office. In return, they become more productive, happier workers. Regular yoga routines benefit a person's health. More and more often, companies are incorporating yoga into their employee wellness programs. She encourages clients to find what habits and rituals work best for them, whether it's setting a reminder for self-care or scheduling time to talk to a friend or therapist about how they are feeling.When people think of offices, they imagine sitting at a desk and in front of a computer all day. "Starting with a smaller task can help us feel the positive changes in our mental well-being quickly to be able to work up to the larger end goals we all have," Dowd says.įind what works: Finding it difficult to set aside time for that "stupid walk"? Dowd suggests adding self-care rituals into your daily routine. Get your momentum going: Remember that small steps generally lead to bigger steps. "Being able to say to ourselves, 'Today is a different day.' 'Yesterday might have been really difficult, (but) I'm going to put my sneakers on today, and I'm going to go for five minutes and see how that feels.' Or maybe 'I'm going to meet my friend for a cup of coffee."' Remember the past doesn't predict our future: "Just because last week was kind of a down week doesn't mean next week's the same," Daino says. (because) all of a sudden we had things closing or being limited." And then omicron happened, and I think that is where we saw a real shift again (of) people feeling frustrated and depleted. People were getting back to doing the activities that brought them joy and pleasure. "People thought we were really on an upswing.

#Office yoga funny how to#

The pandemic doesn't help either, she says, from isolation to difficulties navigating COVID guidelines and confusion in how to move. "This can be especially difficult during days when you are feeling down and it feels like it takes extra effort to address these feelings versus ignoring them," she says.ĭaino adds wintertime can be "particularly challenging for mental health." "I know what happens when people don't take care of their mental health and these small steps actually make a huge difference, even though it doesn't always feel that way in the moment," she says.Īmid all of life's pressures, it can be "challenging to put yourself first and prioritize your mental health," adds Melissa Dowd, a licensed therapist at mental health platform PlushCare. In another video, user shows herself doing "stupid yoga" for her "stupid mental health," which includes eye rolls and exasperated exhales.Įven if seemingly small self-care practices seem "stupid," Daino assures it can make a positive impact on your mental health.

office yoga funny

In addition to walking videos, people have shared other activities they do for their "stupid mental health." Videos following a similar format have blown up on the video sharing app with the hashtag #stupidwalkchallenge reaching more than 38.2 million views. The video has amassed 8.4 millions views and nearly 900,000 likes with comments describing it as "too relatable" and "very accurate." "Going on a stupid walk for my stupid mental health," writes TikTok user a video of herself comically trudging along in the snow backed by a peppy music track. Tips for motivating yourself to take part in self-care include setting smaller goals and celebrating them.Experts say the frustration shown in these videos is understandable, but that it's important not to skip mental health practices.

office yoga funny

A TikTok trend highlighting what people do for their "stupid mental health" has gone viral.

Office yoga funny